Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Acaiberry- the superfruit that fights off cancer

I recently started drinking acai-juice. I drink only two sips each morning. On an empty stomach. That´s more than enough my health-practitioner advised me. I bought the juice since I had read about the amazing health benefits that come with drinking it every day. At the time I added this new habit to my life, I had a terrible cold. After only two days, without any other medication, it was completely gone. I believe the acai helped me get better. Here´s why:

Antioxidants are important to the body because they help to get rid of free radicals. These free radicals can cause all manner of different diseases, including cancer. With 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, the Acai berry is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.  A serving of acai-juice a day provides you with more than double the amount of antioxidants that you need on a daily basis. With this amount of antioxidants in your diet you can really reap some great health benefits as the acai helps fights off health problems. University of Florida study has showed that the antioxidants in the acai-berries destroyed cultured human cancer cells.(Wow!) The amazingly high concentration of antioxidants also contributes to combating premature aging.
I intend on sticking with my daily intake of the acai-juice. It makes me feel full of energy and I also found that I have lost some weight since I started drinking the juice. Acai is all good, nothing bad, in other words.

Beber sumo de la super-fruta acai puede cambiarte la vida. Acai ayudar a desacelera el envejecimiento ya que tiene fuertes antioxidantes y nutrientes que ayudan a la regeneración de células para funcionar óptimamente. Esta es, probablemente, una de las razones más importantes para tomar sumo de acai. Entra todas las razones para tomar el sumo, se ha probado que acai combate células de cáncer.

Acai-juice är något som det talas om mer och mer. Fördelarna med att dricka denna superfrukt är många. Acai anses vara de frukt med mest näringsrikt innehåll i hela världen. Med två gånger så mycket antioxidanter som i blåbär och tio gånger så mycket som i grapefrukt, hjälper den kroppen att stärkas. I en studie från University of Florida visades att antioxidanterna i acaibären förstörde odlade mänskliga cancerceller. Jag dricker det numera varje dag för att dra nytta av alla fördelarna med denna superfrukt. Jag köper denna acaijuice.

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