Dear blog-readers, I wish you all a very, very merry Christmas! Having found so many readers (15 countries and counting) in such a short period of time ( started blogging the 31th of October this year) has been a big surprise but I am loving it! Blogging about wedding-couture and writing first seemed to be such an odd combination- nevertheless, as it turned out, a good one. I wish you all will enjoy a prosperous Holiday with your loved ones, eating and laughing together. I will remind myself to say thanks for being so blessed with a beautiful, warm house and a loving family. And, as always, I will pay it forward. Each time I feel more grateful than normal I donate money to WSPA. It makes me happy knowing that I am doing what I can to help animals get a better life. They deserve it. You can help them too!
En riktigt God Jul önskas alla mina söta, snälla, roliga, omtänksamma, smarta bloggläsare! Jag är så glad över att ha funnit så många bok- och skrivtokiga och, för att inte tala om, brudmode-galna ute i cybervärlden! Må ni alla få en underbar julhelg tillsammans med era nära och kära!
Feliz Navidad a todos mis seguidores en paises lejos de la nieve blanca, el frio y las noches oscuras! Que tengan una fin de semana pleno de amor och alegría junto a sus familias. (Y que la suerte os compana, si juegan a la loteria de Navidad en Espana!)
God jul till dig med, cara!