Saturday, December 10, 2011

Planetary movements and publishing!

You are not supposed to miss the past or long for the future. You are supposed to be happy where you are, right here, right now. Mm, wise words, yet I can´t help to be superexcited about the following:

1. Saturday 10th of December- Uranus turned direct (Planet of surprise, currently in my 9th house of writing and publishing, just started working his magic in full speed ahead. Yes, please!

2. Tuesday 13th of December- Mercury turns direct (Goodbye delays, misunderstandings, technical problems and confusion)

3. Sunday 25th of December- Jupiter turns direct (Say hello to planet of luck and expansion!)

All in all, things should start to move along a bit more as of the 13th of December. In my case these planets will touch my astrological houses related to publishing and career. If there ever was a time for some movement in that area, it would be within the coming six months. Exciting!

Do you know where lucky Jupiter is in your chart?


  1. Jag har ingen som helst aning! Kanske du har? 23 april 1971?

  2. I have absolutely no clue about these things! None! I've never given it much thought either, to be honest, but I think it's a little bit fascinating...

  3. Det låter otroligt bra! Hoppas att det kommer att stämma för dig :)

  4. Hanna- För att få rätt astrohjul behövs ort för födelse och tidpunkt (allra helst, annars tar man 12:00) Vet du det?
    Katarina- Oh, yes, darling, it is more than fascinating! ;-)
    Anneli- Jag har haft koll på Jupiters resa genom mitt karriärshus tidigare år och de har varit lyckoår. De sker endast vart 12:e så mitt rår är att informera sig om det och sedan agera. Jag kan kolla för Katarina, Anneli och Hanna om ni vill? Maila mig i så fall datum, ort och tid för födelse till


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